CSS-CLUB的全称是Chinese Students and Scholars Campus Life Upwards Bootcamp,中国学生学者校园生活集训营。这个团队是由两位在美国很多年的华人学生以及两位中国留学生自发组织起来的,可以从中美学生里两个角度帮助你全方面融入并适应美国校园的学习和生活。2013年的夏天开展了第一次非常成功的“集训”活动。并会继续在以后开展内容更加丰富、有意义的活动。


  • 在美国多年的华人融入美国生活文化的亲身经历
  • 美国的学习环境 (包括不同的课堂形式、与教授交流方式、时间管理等)
  • 美国的社交生活 (生活习惯、语言交流、服饰搭配等)


这个项目的发起人Sarah Cummings几年前从北京来到美国,经历了对她而言不可思议的文化冲击,现在她已经能适应并融入了美国的生活。她了解刚刚来美国中国学生的感受,所以和她的伙伴们发起了CSS-CLUB,目的是为了帮助中国学生少走弯路,而且在遇到什么问题的时候能够马上想到有这样一个团队可以为你出谋划策。以下是Sarah写给所有中国学生的真心话:

When I first moved from Beijing to Morehead City, I experienced life-changing cultural shock. Lack of supporting community and resources for relative knowledge and skills contributed to a challenging two-year process of adaptation. However I committed myself to utilizing every possible opportunity to learn about America, its lifestyle, its people, and its culture. The successful transformation has made me a very happy person. I believe that every Chinese student or scholar deserve to live a life of equal quality and happiness comparing to that in China. Cultural shock is a great challenge standing in the way. I want to provide my own experience in a usable format to help the Chinese students and scholars enjoy the overall life in America better. The vision is to have every International student from China to participate at the beginning of each semester.